Few Years Down …

Few years down, We never were around

Every Glimpse of you , made me say those words aloud.

As the Time passed by , we became lost in the surround.

Day by Day we were part of the same crowd.

But Now..

It’s been a while we have started talking,

The bond we had is in Remaking.

It took sometime to get us back to normal

But For the past few years, we were so formal.

It’s good to have you back as my friend

They say “A friend with some past is good for health “

And a Friend for me is More Worth than any wealth..!

It feels like something from the past has been pumped with life and it’s rising from the dead .

So My Friend I call you my very own

“Walking Dead” 💀.

The past we shared, the Fun we had & the pain,

That didn’t go in vain

It’s been ,

Few years down in the Memory lane..!!

“You can close your eyes to reality but not to Memories “

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